Alston & Bird Consumer Finance Blog


CFPB Issues CARES Act Consumer Reporting FAQs

A&B ABstract

On June 16th, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB” or “Bureau”) issued a Compliance Aid titled “Consumer Reporting FAQs Related to the CARES Act and COVID-19 Pandemic.” This Compliance Aid clarifies the Bureau’s April 1, 2020 Statement that providing furnishers flexibility in handling disputes during the pandemic is not unlimited, putting consumer reporting agencies and furnishers on notice that the Bureau is enforcing the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”), as amended by the CARES Act, and its implementing Regulation V.  The Compliance Aid also addresses questions on reporting CARES Act accommodations.

CFPB Focusing on Credit Reporting Accuracy and Dispute Handling

In its April 1, 2020 statement, the Bureau indicated that while furnishers are expected to comply with the CARES Act, the Bureau “does not intend to cite in examinations or take enforcement actions against those who furnish information to [CRAs] that accurately reflects the payment relief measures they are employing” and will not take enforcement or supervisory actions against furnishers and CRAs for failing to timely investigate consumer disputes. On June 16th the Bureau clarified that it is enforcing FCRA and that while it previously provided some flexibility the April 1st Statement “did not state that the Bureau would give furnishers or CRAs an unlimited time beyond the statutory deadlines to investigate disputes before the Bureau would take supervisory or enforcement action.”  The Bureau warns that it will take public enforcement action against companies or individuals that fail to comply with FCRA, but will consider the unique circumstances that entities face as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and entities’ good faith efforts to timely investigate disputes.

CARES Act Amendment to FCRA

Section 4021 of the CARES Act amends FCRA by adding a new section providing a special instruction for reporting consumer credit information to credit reporting agencies during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Specifically, if a creditor or other furnisher offers an “accommodation” to a consumer affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in connection with a credit obligation or account, and the consumer satisfies the conditions of such accommodation, the furnisher must:

  • report the credit obligation or account as “current;” or
  • if the credit obligation or account was delinquent before the accommodation maintain the delinquent status during the effective period of the accommodation, or, if the consumer brings the account current during such period, then to report the account as current.

Stated differently by the CFPB, “during the accommodation, the furnisher cannot advance the delinquent status.” The CFPB provides the following example:

If the credit obligation or account was current before the accommodation, during the accommodation the furnisher must continue to report the credit obligation or account as current.

If the credit obligation or account was delinquent before the accommodation, during the accommodation the furnisher cannot advance the delinquent status. For example, if at the time of the accommodation the furnisher was reporting the consumer as 30 days past due, during the accommodation the furnisher may not report the account as 60 days past due. If during the accommodation the consumer brings the credit obligation or account current, the furnisher must report the credit obligation or account as current. This could occur, for example, if the accommodation itself brings the credit obligation or account current (such as a loan modification that resolves amounts past due so the borrower is no longer considered delinquent) or if the consumer makes past due payments that bring the credit obligation or account current.

An “accommodation,” as defined in this section, includes relief granted to impacted consumers such as an agreement to defer a payment, make a partial payment, grant forbearance, modify a loan or contract, or any other assistance or relief granted to a consumer affected by COVID-19. The reporting requirements do not apply to charged-off accounts.  This section applies from January 31, 2020 through the later of 120 days after: (i) enactment of this section, or (ii) termination of the national emergency declaration.

Questions on Reporting Accommodations under FCRA

There has been much confusion in how the CARES Act requirements translate into Metro 2 reporting requirements.  The CFPB offers the following guidance:

  • When furnishers are reporting an account to the CRAs, furnishers are expected to understand all the CRA’s data fields, to ensure that the information reported accurately reflects a consumer’s status as current or delinquent. Specifically, the Bureau provides “information a furnisher provides about an account’s payment status, scheduled monthly payment, and the amount past due may all need to be updated to accurately reflect that a consumer’s account is current consistent with the CARES Act.”
  • With respect to the use of special comment codes, the CFPB provides that “Furnishing a special comment code indicating that a consumer with an account is impacted by a disaster or that the consumer’s account is in forbearance does not provide consumer reporting agencies with this CARES Act-required information.  Left unaddressed is whether servicers are permitted to report special comment codes and other fields as required by CDIA/Metro2.
  • With respect to reporting the status of an account after an accommodation ends, the Bureau provides two instructions.  First, the Bureau states “[a]ssuming payments were not required or the consumer met any payment requirements of the accommodation, a furnisher cannot report a consumer that was reported as current pursuant to the CARES Act as delinquent based on the time period covered by the accommodation after the accommodation end.” Second, “a furnisher also cannot advance the delinquency of a consumer that was maintained pursuant to the CARES Act based on the time period covered by the accommodation after the accommodation ends.”

Questions remain on how to address a consumer’s delinquency after an accommodation ends if the delinquency hasn’t been resolved through loss mitigation or otherwise.  Also unaddressed is whether furnishers are permitted to report (i) a “special comment code” for natural disaster or forbearance or (ii) the “terms frequency” field (each of which can indicate an account is in forbearance or deferment, even while the “account status code” field is marked “current”), without violating the CARES Act requirement to report borrowers in forbearance as “current.”


CFPB has put furnishers on notice that the Bureau will begin to enforce the CARES Act credit reporting requirements.  Companies should pay attention to credit reporting complaint trends in the coming months.  Companies should also document good faith efforts to comply and respond to disputes as soon as possible.  Last, with the CFPB’s revised Responsible Business Conduct Policy, companies may consider getting in front of any issues while the environment is still favorable. Once forbearance ends and foreclosures resume, and given where we are in the election cycle, the situation could turn political this Fall and the enforcement posture could change.

Attorneys General Urge FHFA and HUD to Take Additional Measures to Protect Borrowers Affected by COVID-19

A&B Abstract:

On April 23, 2020, the attorneys general of 33 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico (the “Attorneys General”) sent two letters, one to the Federal Housing Finance Agency (“FHFA”) and the other to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD” and collectively with FHFA, the “Agencies”), respectively, noting that the “national response must recognize the unique challenges presented by the unprecedented number of homeowners who are affected by COVID-19, including the fact that all of these homeowners need relief at the same time..[and that] [m]eeting this challenge will require straightforward and consistent guidance that can be quickly operationalized.”  As a result, the Attorneys General urged the Agencies to make changes to their respective guidelines addressing COVID-19-related mortgage and foreclosure relief.

Revision of Forbearance Programs

The Attorneys General acknowledged that forbearance plans are a critical first response to borrowers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.  However, the Attorneys General expressed concern that both the mortgage servicing industry and homeowners will become overwhelmed if changes are not made.   The Attorneys General recommended or encouraged that:

  • the Agencies “issue simple, self-executing guidance that servicers can easily implement to meet demand while providing an immediate, responsive resolution to borrowers.” The Attorneys General specifically expressed concern about HUD guidelines requiring an individualized evaluation for every borrower who receives a CARES Act forbearance, as well as guidelines issued by both of the Agencies requiring an individualized evaluation for borrowers coming out of forbearance, due to “grave doubts about servicers’ abilities to effectively manage the unprecedented number of borrowers who will be emerging from forbearance plans related to COVID-19 if individualized evaluations are required for each borrower.”
  • the Agencies amend their forbearance programs so that the obligation to repay forborne payments is automatically placed at the end of the loan term in the form of additional monthly payments that will follow the current term of the loan.  The Attorneys General noted that “there can be no reasonable expectation that a borrower who has experience a loss of employment or a reduction in income will be able to repay the forborne payments in a lump sum at the end of the forbearance period.” FHFA subsequently clarified its repayment requirements for its forbearance program on April 27, 2020.
  • the Agencies issue guidance allowing these post-forbearance agreements to occur without requiring borrowers to execute any additional documents, such as a loan modification agreement or a promissory note for the forborne payments, or at least waiving or easing those requirements until the pandemic abates.
  • FHFA to clarify that a borrower may receive a forbearance based on the borrower’s verbal attestation of a hardship related to COVID-19, and to encourage servicers to proactively notify borrowers of their right to verbally request a forbearance.

Expanded Eligibility for Disaster Relief-Related Modifications and Loss Mitigation Programs

The Attorneys General urged the Agencies to expand their eligibility standards for post-forbearance loss mitigation programs to enable a greater number of borrowers to qualify.  The Attorneys General urged HUD to reconsider its decision to remove the Disaster Loan Modification option for borrowers affected by COVID-19.  Further, the Attorneys General requested that the Agencies revise their respective loan modification eligibility criteria to ensure these programs have the same reach as the forbearance program mandated by the CARES Act, as the Agencies’ current guidelines impose several delinquency-related eligibility requirements.  For example:

  • Under current Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac guidelines, borrowers affected by COVID-19 are eligible for any one of three modification programs. Currently, however, a borrower is only eligible for such programs if the borrower was current or less than 31 days delinquent as of March 13, 2020. Additional delinquency-related eligibility criteria apply for the Cap and Extend Modification and Flex Modification programs.
  • Under current HUD guidelines, a borrower is only eligible for the COVID-19 Partial Claim if the borrower was current or less than 30 days delinquent as of March 1, 2020 and the partial claim amount does not exceed 30 percent of the unpaid balance. If a borrower is ineligible for the COVID-19 Partial Claim, then the borrower will be reviewed for HUD’s FHA-HAMP program. The Attorneys General noted that the FHA-HAMP program has additional seasoning requirements, such as requiring the borrower to have made at least 4 payments and the loan to have aged at least 12 months.

The Attorneys General urged the Agencies to waive the delinquency status requirements of these modification programs and noted that post-forbearance modification programs should be commensurate with the forbearance plans required by the CARES Act, as the CARES Act requires forbearance for any borrower experiencing a COVID-19 financial hardship regardless of delinquency status.  Moreover, the CARES Act authorizes forbearances of up to 360 days, so many borrowers receiving CARES Act forbearances will be more than 360 days delinquent by the end of the forbearance period.

Eviction and Foreclosure Moratoriums

Finally, the Attorneys General urged the Agencies to “instruct servicers that they also must suspend all foreclosures and evictions currently in process and cannot move forward to complete any step in the judicial or non-judicial foreclosure or eviction process while the moratorium is in place,” to address differences in various states’ foreclosure and eviction processes.

Currently, the CARES Act states that servicers of federally backed mortgages may not initiate any judicial or non-judicial foreclosures process, move for a foreclosure judgment or order of sale, or execute a foreclosure-related eviction or foreclosure sale until at least May 17, 2020. The Attorneys General asserted that advancing any step of the eviction or foreclosure process during a forbearance related to COVID-19 will only lead to borrower confusion and harm.


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect homeowners and the mortgage servicing industry, there will likely be continued political pressure on the Agencies to further revise servicer loss mitigation guidelines. Servicers will need to be vigilant to stay on top of the rapidly evolving market conditions and regulatory environment.


Massachusetts Enacts Emergency COVID-19 Measure Addressing Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Moratoria, Forbearance, Evictions, Reverse Mortgage Counseling

A&B Abstract:

On April 20, 2020, Massachusetts Governor, Charlie Baker, signed into law HB 4647 (2020 Mass. Acts 65), an emergency measure, effective immediately, providing for mortgage forbearances and a moratorium on evictions and foreclosures during the COVID-19 emergency. This measure also waives the in-person counseling requirement for reverse mortgage loans.  This law follows guidance issued by the Division of Banks on March 25, 2020, setting forth the Division’s expectations of mortgage servicers to provide relief to borrowers adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.


The emergency measure requires a creditor or mortgagee to grant a forbearance on a mortgage loan for residential property if the borrower submits a request to the servicer affirming that the borrower has experienced a COVID-19 hardship, subject to the following terms:

  • the forbearance shall not be for more than 180 days;
  • no fees, penalties or interest beyond the amounts scheduled and calculated as if the borrower made all contractual payments on time and in full under the mortgage contract shall accrue during the forbearance;
  • a payment subject to the forbearance shall be added to the end of the term of the loan, unless otherwise agreed to by the borrower and mortgagee;
  • a borrower and mortgagee are not prohibited from entering into an alternative payment agreement for the mortgage payments subject to forbearance;
  • the mortgagee must not furnish negative mortgage payment information to a consumer reporting agency related to forborne mortgage payments; and
  • a creditor or mortgagee is not required to grant this forbearance if the borrower’s request is made after the expiration of this provision of the emergency measure (the sooner of 120 days from its effective date or 45 days the Governor’s COVID-19 emergency declaration has been lifted).

For purposes of this section, “residential property” includes real property located in the commonwealth, on which there is a dwelling house with accommodations for 4 or fewer separate households that is the borrower’s principal residence; excluding investment property, property taken, in whole or in part, as collateral for a commercial loan, and property subject to condemnation or receivership.

This forbearance provision is similar to a federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”) forbearance, with some notably differences.  First, this provision is not limited to federally backed mortgage loans.  Second, the forborne payments are to be tacked on to the end of the mortgage term unless otherwise agreed to by the parties.  Last, the terms differ in two respects.  First, unlike the CARES Act, Massachusetts does not require an additional 180 extension of the forbearance.  Second, the requirement for a servicer to offer a forbearance will remain in effect until the Governor’s COVID-19 emergency declaration is lifted, which at this point is unknown.


For purposes of foreclosure of “residential property,” as that term is defined above, the emergency measure  imposes a foreclosure moratorium, meaning a mortgagee (or a person acting in the name of a mortgagee) is prohibited from:

  • causing a notice of foreclosure sale to be published;
  • exercising a power of sale;
  • initiating a judicial or nonjudicial foreclosure process; or
  • filing a complaint to determine the military status of the borrower under the federal Servicemembers Civil Relief Act.

Vacant or abandoned properties are expressly excluded from this foreclosure moratorium.  The foreclosure moratorium became effective immediately and expires after the sooner of 120 days or 45 days after the COVID-19 emergency declaration has been lifted.  This moratorium appears broader than the moratorium imposed under the CARES Act in that it likely will extend beyond the CARES Act’s moratorium of May 18, 2020 and that it is not limited to “federally backed” loans. Note, most residential mortgage foreclosures are nonjudicial in Massachusetts and begin by sending a delinquent borrower a notice of default and right to cure as required by Mass. General Laws chapter 244, Section 35A.  It is likely that such notice could be viewed as initiating a foreclosure, and thus not allowed during this foreclosure moratorium.


 With respect to evictions, the emergency measure provides as follows:

  • notwithstanding any law, rule, regulation or order to the contrary, a landlord or owner of a property shall not, for purposes of a “non-essential eviction” for a residential dwelling unit, terminate a tenancy or send any notice requesting or demanding that a tenant vacate the premises;
  • a landlord shall not impose a late fee for non-payment of rent for a residential dwelling unit;
  • a landlord shall not furnish rental payment data to a consumer reporting agency related to the non-payment of rent if, not later than 30 days after the missed rent payment, the tenant provides notice and documentation to the landlord that the non-payment of rent was due to a COVID-19 financial impact;
  • subject to certain conditions, a lessor who received rent in advance for the last month of tenancy pursuant to Mass. Gen. Law chapter 186, § 15B, may access and utilize the funds received in advance for certain enumerated uses; and
  • nothing in the emergency measure shall be construed to relieve a tenant from the obligation to pay rent or restrict a landlord’s ability to recover rent.

Related to residential dwelling units, a “non-essential eviction” is an eviction: (i) for non-payment of rent, (ii) resulting from a foreclosure, (iii) for no fault or cause, or (iv) for cause that does not involve allegations of: (a) criminal activity that may impact the health and safety of other residents, health care workers, emergency personnel, persons lawfully on the property or general public, or (b) lease violations that may impact the health and safety of other residents, health care workers, emergency personal, persons lawfully on the subject property or the general public. The Massachusetts executive office of housing and economic development has authority to issue emergency regulations to implement this section and develop forms for notice and documentation to a landlord that the non-payment of rent was due to COVID.  Also note that the measure contains similar restrictions for landlords of small business premises and limits the ability of a court, sheriff or others to process or enforce non-essential evictions.

Temporary waiver of In-Person Counseling for Reverse Mortgage

Massachusetts is temporarily waiving the in-person counseling requirement set forth in Mass. Gen. Law chapter 167E, § 7A and chapter 171, § 65C1/2 for reverse mortgage loans during the state-declared COVID-19 emergency and until such emergency has been lifted.  In lieu of in-person counseling, the requirement is satisfied by a written certification from a counselor with a third-party organization indicating that a borrower has received counseling via a synchronous, real-time videoconferencing or telephone counseling, provided that the counselor is approved by the executive office of elder affairs for purposes of such counseling.  The measure does not specifically address the reverse mortgage counseling regulation set forth in 209 CMR 55.04. However, given that the regulation is provided under the statutory authority cited above, there is reason to believe that it should also be covered by this temporary waiver.


In addition to ensuring compliance with the federal CARES Act, mortgage servicers need to monitor newly enacted state measures responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and develop policies and procedures to ensure compliance.

Regulatory Agencies Issue Mortgage Servicing Guidance and FAQs for the CARES Act

Our Financial Services & Products Group answers some questions mortgage servicers might have about how federal and state agencies will be flexible with enforcement under the CARES Act.

  • What is the “covered period” for purposes of Section 4022?
  • Can a servicer require a borrower to provide a written attestation?
  • Should servicers report the status of loans on forbearance?
  • What is being done to address mortgage servicer liquidity concerns?

Alston & Bird has formed a multidisciplinary task force to advise clients on the business and legal implications of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Key Provisions of the CARES Act Affecting Mortgage Servicers

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In response to COVID-19, on Friday March 28, 2020, President Trump signed into law the “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act” (the “CARES Act”).  This is a monumental $2 trillion stimulus package intended to provide financial relief to businesses, individuals and public institutions affected by the coronavirus.  The CARES Act addresses sweeping economic stabilization, small business lending and other direct financial support, tax provisions, healthcare, or other provisions. Below, we summarize the key provisions of the CARES Act affecting residential mortgage servicers.

Section 4021: Credit Protection During COVID-19

Section 4021 of the CARES Act amends the Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C. 1681s-2(a)(1)) by adding a new section providing special instruction for reporting consumer credit information to credit reporting agencies during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Specifically, this section provides that if a creditor or other furnisher offers an “accommodation” to a consumer affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in connection with a credit obligation or account, and the consumer satisfies the conditions of such accommodation, the furnisher must report the credit obligation or account as “current.” An “accommodation” as defined in this section includes relief granted to impacted consumers such as an agreement to defer a payment, make a partial payment, grant forbearance, or modify a loan or contract.

In the event that the credit obligation or account was delinquent before the accommodation, the furnisher is required to maintain the delinquent status during the effective period of the accommodation, or, if the consumer brings the account current during such period, then to report the account as current. The reporting requirements set forth in Section 4021 do not apply to charged-off accounts.

This section applies from January 31, 2020 through the later of 120 days after: (i) enactment of this section, or (ii) termination of the national emergency declaration.[1]

A&B Takeaway: It is important to recognize that this provision applies to borrower’s payment history starting on January 31, 2020.  It also is important to recognize that state laws may also address the furnishing of credit information.  To the extent the state law is inconsistent, it is generally preempted pursuant to section 1681t(b)(1)(C) of FCRA, with specific carve outs for California and Massachusetts law that may require specific attention.

Section 4022:  Foreclosure Moratorium and Consumer Right to Request Forbearance

Section 4022 of the CARES Act grants forbearance rights and protection against foreclosure[2] to borrowers with a “federally backed mortgage loan”[3] including certain first or subordinate lien loans designed principally for the occupancy of from 1- to 4- families.  Loans secured by greater than 4 families are addressed separately in Section 4023 of the CARES Act.

During the covered period, a borrower with a federally backed mortgage loan who is experiencing a financial hardship that is due, directly or indirectly, to the COVID-19 emergency, may request forbearance on their loan, regardless of delinquency status, by submitting a request to their servicer and affirming that they are experiencing a financial hardship during the COVID-19 emergency.

Upon receiving a request for forbearance, a servicer must provide forbearance for up to 180 days, with no additional documentation required, other than the borrower’s attestation to a financial hardship caused by the COVID-19 emergency, and with no fees, penalties, or interest (beyond the amounts scheduled or calculated as if the borrower made all contractual payments on time and in full under the terms of the mortgage contract) charged to the borrower in connection therewith.  The forbearance period may be extended for up to an additional 180 days, at the request of the borrower, provided that the borrower’s request is made during the covered period.  The initial or extended period may also be shortened at the borrower’s request.

Additionally, except with respect to vacant or abandoned properties, a servicer of a federally backed mortgage loan may not initiate any judicial or non-judicial foreclosure process, move for a foreclosure judgment or order of sale, or execute a foreclosure-related eviction or foreclosure sale for at least 60 days from March 18, 2020.

A&B Takeaway: While the law provides much needed relief for borrowers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, it leaves a number of questions unanswered.  First, the law does not appear to cover mortgage loans that are not federally insured or guaranteed or otherwise purchased or securitized by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.  Thus, it is unclear whether a servicer of a non-federally backed mortgage loan would need to comply.  Second, the law is silent as to whether borrower requests must be in writing, suggesting that oral requests for forbearance must be considered.[4] Third, while Section 4022 does not expressly define the “covered period,” Subsection (b)(1)(B) does provide that the borrower must attest to a financial hardship during the “COVID-19 emergency,” suggesting that borrower requests received outside of the “COVID-19 emergency” would not require the granting of forbearance.  Subsection (a)(1) defines “COVID-19 emergency” as the national emergency declared by President Trump on March 13, 2020 by Executive Order pursuant to the National Emergencies Act (“NEA”). Under the NEA, unless the President requests an extension, an emergency declaration terminates if: (1) the President issues a proclamation rescinding it, (2) Congress, having met no later than six months after date of issuance to consider a joint resolution of termination, passes such joint resolution, or (3) automatically one year following date of issuance.[5] Note that the national emergency declared by President Trump was made retroactive to March 1, 2020.  Accordingly, there appears to be an implied covered period associated with this section, namely, March 1, 2020 until the earlier of February 28, 2021 or action by either the President or Congress to terminate the emergency declaration, unless the President requests an extension in accordance with the NEA.  Fourth, while Section 4022 provides that a servicer must grant forbearance for “up to 180 days,” it does not specify how a servicer is to determine the length of the forbearance period.  Thus, it is unclear whether a servicer must simply rely on a borrower’s attestation to determine the length of the initial forbearance (and any extensions thereto) or whether the servicer has some discretion to provide an initial (or extended) forbearance period of less than 180 days.  Finally, we note that the FHA, VA, USDA, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (collectively, the “Federal Agencies/GSEs”) all issued earlier guidance imposing a 60-day foreclosure moratoria in addition to guidance encouraging mortgage servicers to consider forbearance and other relief for borrowers affected by COVID-19.  While the CARES Act appears to provide similar foreclosure protections to those mandated by the Federal Agencies/GSEs, mortgage servicers should carefully review and compare the existing guidance to the protections under the CARES Act to determine their obligations with respect to impacted borrowers.

Section 4024: Temporary Moratorium on Eviction Filings

Section 4024 provides for a temporary moratorium on eviction filings for tenants of certain single- and multi-family properties.  Specifically, during the 120-day period following the enactment of the CARES Act (the “Moratorium Period”), the lessor of a “covered dwelling”[6] may not: (1) make, or cause to be made, any filing with the court of jurisdiction to initiate a legal action to recover possession of the covered dwelling from the tenant for nonpayment of rent or other fees or charges; or (2) charge fees, penalties, or other charges to the tenant related to such nonpayment of rent.

The lessor of a covered dwelling unit (1) may not require the tenant to vacate the covered dwelling unit until 30 days have passed from the date on which the lessor provides the tenant with a notice to vacate; and (2) may not issue a notice to vacate until after the expiration of the Moratorium Period.

A&B Takeaway:

Numerous states and localities also have issued temporary moratoriums on eviction files that provide greater protections to tenants.

[1] We note that this raises some unique questions regarding preemption of certain state consumer laws regarding consumer credit reporting.

[2] Note that, while outside the scope of this summary, Section 4023 of the CARES Act addresses foreclosure moratoria for certain multifamily loans.

[3] “Federally backed mortgage loan” means any loan which is secured by a first or subordinate lien on residential real property (including individual units of condominiums and cooperatives) designed principally for the occupancy of from 1- to 4- families that is (A) insured by the Federal Housing Administration under title II of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1707 et seq.); (B) insured under section 255 of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1715z-20); (C) guaranteed under section 184 or 184A of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 (12 U.S.C. 1715z-13, 1715z-13b); (D) guaranteed or insured by the Department of Veterans Affairs; (E) guaranteed or insured by the Department of Agriculture; (F) made by the Department of Agriculture; or (G) purchased or securitized by the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (i.e., Freddie Mac) or the Federal National Mortgage Association (i.e., Fannie Mae).

[4] Note that Section 4023 of the CARES Act provides that “a multifamily borrower…may submit an oral or written request for forbearance,” further suggesting that oral requests must be considered under Section 4022.

[5] See 50 U.S.C. §§ 1622(a)-(b), (d).

[6] The term “covered dwelling” means a dwelling that (A) is occupied by a tenant (i) pursuant to a residential lease; or (ii) without a lease or with a lease terminable under State law; and (B) is on or in a covered property.  The term “dwelling” (A) has the meaning given the term in 42 U.S.C. 3602; and (B) includes houses and dwellings described in 42 U.S.C. 3603(b).  The term “covered property” means any property that (A) participates in (i) a covered housing program (as defined in 34 U.S.C. 12491(a)); or (ii) the rural housing voucher program under 42 U.S.C. 1490r; or (B) has a (i) Federally backed mortgage loan; or (ii) Federally backed multifamily mortgage loan.